Cassette di sicurezza e Mensole tattiche

Casseforti Invisibili | Chameleon

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Become a reseller

Chameleon S.R.L. gives the possibility, after a careful selection, to grant the resale of its products. Our products are particularly captivating, as they are unique in Europe. If you want to become a reseller, simply fill out this form in its entirety; the office will make the evaluations and respond to each request, whether the result is negative or positive.


    If you are already a registered customer and want to become a reseller, contact us at 329 97 76 117.

    Become a Dropshipper

    Dropshipping is defined as a sales model with a triangulation. The seller sells a product to an end user, without actually owning it in his warehouse: the shipment is made directly from the supplier to the end customer. This way the seller immediately withholds his share of the transition income and does not have to deal with warehousing, packaging or shipping.

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